Two poems – Grey

The next piece in our series of writing by sex workers are two poems by Grey. These poems explore the interactions between sex workers and the police, thinking about who and what really keeps us safe.

cuppa for a copper / the police are not your enemy

on on of my travels

i had a visit from a cop

in a country

where they have the nordic model

aka the swedish model

aka client criminalisation

aka equality model

aka the end demand model

whatever you wanna call it

in a country

where i knew my rights

where selling sex is not illegal

yet the cop came

and pretended to be a client

he was alone

why is he alone in my flat

he asked if i was alone

he looked at me

from head to toe

and said where are you from

where are you from from

are you being trafficked

i know you are from africa

your profile says so

your job is dangerous you know

i call myself

a prostitute

an escort


he called me

a prostitute

an escort

or whatever you want to call yourself he said

and i didn’t like that

he said he saw

my profile

my photos

i was disgusted

to think

that he saw me


when he looked at me

from head to toe again

was it what he was seeing then

my body


maybe he wants to fuck me

why is he alone in this flat with me

maybe i should proposition him

because after all

a client is a client

and i still need to pay rent

and he is alone


with me


he drank some tea

i made him some fucking tea


maybe he’s gonna be nicer i thought

he said

your job is dangerous you know

people like you get killed everyday

thank you i said

as if it was news to me

he said the police is not your enemy

he said the police is here to keep you safe

he said his colleagues downstairs arrested my client

how is that meant to make me safer i said

and he did not like that


if his colleagues are downstairs

then why is he alone with me

he is hot

maybe i could fuck him

then he would leave me alone

and i would make the money he is taking away from me by being here

wasting my time

drinking his fucking tea

he listed all the recent assaults that had happened on sex workers recently

in that country

please stop i said

he said no you need to hear this

your job is dangerous he said

the later you work the more dangerous it gets

what if someone comes in

with a knife

and rapes you

then will you call us

the police are not your enemy he said

i want you to feel safe with me

i said you being here right now

is what scares me

he said he understood

but i shouldn’t be scared

because the police are not my enemy


he said my client confessed

i asked who saw him come in

i said did the neighbours see you

don’t worry he said

we are very discrete

look i am wearing civilian clothes he said

while i could see his fucking bulletproof vest

he said i need to ask you some questions

i said what if i don’t answer

he said that’s fine

you don’t have to answer

because you are not a criminal

but a victim

he said is it true that the man who was here paid for sex

i thought well actually

he paid for me to jump on him


i said no comment

he said is it true that he gave you xxx amount of money for sex

i said no comment

he said is it true that you are a prostitute

i said no comment

he said is it true you don’t want to answer my questions

i said no comment

when he left

he said i can feel safe now

i can work safely now

because they know where i am staying now

and he has seen my passport

so he knows my identity now

so if something happens they can come quickly

to rescue me

to save me

because i am a victim

because this was just a welfare check

i seem to love my job he said

he is wrong

i don’t love my job

i don’t hate it either

i hate him

he didn’t even finish his fucking tea

and left the cup on the table

when he left

he tried to hug me

what the fuck i thought

when he left

i was relieved

i was scared

thoughts from a cell

i was arrested recently

in this country

it had nothing to do with sex work

yet all i could think about was sex work

the police took my work phone

and i thought

what if they see

what if they know

what if they ask then what do i say

what if they tell

my mum

my dad

my sister

then what do i say

what if they see

my texts with clients

my website

my twitter

my instagram

my profiles

what if they see me


the photos

the videos

that are not meant for their eyes

then how will i feel

and what will i say

what if they show

my mum

my dad

my sister

then what do i say

what if they save

the texts

the links

the videos

the photos

the numbers

the notes

then what do i do

what do i do

if they ask

if they see

my work name

my real name

my address

the places i have worked

the people i have worked with

all the men i’ve fucked

then what will happen

to them

to me

if they tell

if they see

if they ask

what does that mean

for my work

for my rent

for my future

what if this is made public

what if one of these cops

keeps my number

and then contacts me as a client

without me knowing

because we know how cops are

what if they try

to intimidate me

to use this as evidence

of my loose morals

of my depravity

what if they never ask

what if they never tell


but they know

they know

what if i don’t know that they know

and i keep wondering forever

if they know

if they will use this

against me

in the future

and when i get out

how do i explain

to my friends

to other sex workers

who put trust in me

that the police

now have it all

then what do i say

how do i

reassure them

and who

reassures me

what about

the cash

that i had on me

that i have at home

what if they go to my home

and see

the toys

the lube

the condoms the cash the costumes the lingerie more condoms more lube more cash

the sponges

and think

this is disgusting

she uses them so she can keep having sex on her period

what if they think i am disgusting

why do i care

what if they see

the stolen hotel stuff the receipts the heels the notes the notes

what if they take it all

what if they see

the posters saying blow jobs are real jobs and real jobs suck no bad whores just bad laws sex work is work what if they think

look at here she’s proud of what she does

what if they find my journal

and read my inner thoughts

and see who i am

and see the shame i sometimes have

what if they tell

my landlord

the home office

my mum

my dad

my sister

what if they see

the antidepressants

the weed

the toys

and use this to prove

that i am not well

that i am sick

that i am mentally ill

what if that’s true

i know my rights

i can be a whore



but what if they call me

a whore
